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Kamakshya NandaSoftware Developer

NextJS Custom 404 Page

In this article we will be looking at how to create a custom 404 page for the NextJS app router configuration.


Try visiting this page.
You'll notice that the page does not exist and you are redirected to a custom 404 page. NextJS provides a way to create a custom 404 page using the not-found.tsx file if you're using typescript or the not-found.js file if you're using javascript.


Create a file called not-found.tsx inside the app directory.
Image displaying the app router folder structureThis page is like any other page in NextJS. You can add any content or apply styling to it, and whenever a page is not found, this page will be displayed.

Right now the default page looks like this -

Image displaying the default 404 page

After adding some content and styling to our 404 page,the 404 page now looks like this -

Custom 404 page

Code for reference

  import Link from 'next/link'
  import React from 'react'
  export default function Page() {
    return (
      <div className='h-96 flex flex-col gap-1 items-center justify-center'>
          <p className='px-10 md:px-0 text-center fade-text font-bold'>This page does not exist</p>
          <Link href={"/"} className="text-sm underline">Go Home</Link>